Home Made Wife Sharing Video Threesome
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM

Hot wife photos wife sharing wife swapping update
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:00:00 AM
Do you love sharing your hot wife?If yes, these photos are just for you. A hot wife loves extramarital relations with her husband's permission. I hope you would love these hot wife photos.

I shared My Hot Wife

Hot Wife Photos,
wife sharing,
wife swapping
Real Wife Sharing Story: How we swapped wives
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM
This wife sharing story begins around about 4 years back. You'd love this wife story. My husband and I have always been comfortable around each other with being naked. After we got married, we began living a routine life. Both of us were busy with our careers.

Wife Sharing Hot Story
For the first year,we made love morning and evening. And who knows how many times on the weekends. But after a year, day to day life set in. During the middle of our second year, I got pregnant. Our love life slowed down quite a bit after that. We had a baby boy.This little bundle brought a great deal of joy to our lives. We were still very much in love. We continued to make love, however not nearly as frequently as in the beginning year.
A couple years passed, and I got pregnant again. Two days after our 4th anniversary, we had a baby girl. There we were this perfect couple living a perfect life in the suburbs. Life went on and before we knew it, our kids were in school. We got involved in school events. With our careers and with everything the kids got involved with we were very busy.
Through school we met some nice couples. We had so much in common with them. Our love making at times became a routine. Occasionally when we were making love, we would bring some of the couples into a fantasy as we were making love. Exploring other people intrigued us; however we never acted on it.The years past. Our son was in college and our daughter was finishing up her senior year in high school. My husband had an opportunity to relocate to a new town/state. My husband accepted the position.Finally we got a house there.
The Realtor did a very good job of pointing out the amenities. There were patio doors leading from the living room to the over sized deck. There were two bedrooms on the other side of the house. When we went to the back yard, the lady Realtor pointed out the view, even giggling that our here you wouldn't even need clothes as the wild life wouldn't care if you were naked.
That night as we got ready for bed, we thought talked about it some more. We both hit up on the idea of being able to be naked outdoors. We made love like bunnies that night before we fell asleep.We had time to sell our house and get everything ready. Our daughter was going to college a few hundred miles from both our new place and old place so that part didn't make any difference. Even as whirlwind as the summer was, we still would get excited and turned on about being naked at our new house.
The first night in the new house, we were so exhausted that we just crashed. It was still warm and after a shower we both stayed naked. We fell asleep in each other’s arms. I woke up the next morning after my husband had left for work. I didn't have anything on. I got up and walked out onto the deck. It just felt so wonderful being out in the morning sun with a soft breeze on my naked body. I thought that maybe I had died and gone to heaven.
I spent the whole day naked. It just felt so good and natural. I had never spent more than an hour or two naked before. That evening, I prepared supper and it was ready when my husband got home. He couldn't believe his eyes when he walked in the house and I had nothing on.
Come Friday, I needed to get some groceries. We had two days to ourselves. We laughed, at supper that we would could be naked for two solid days, and we were. Saturday and Sunday were spent naked working around the yard and things in the house. After each day we were exhausted and there wasn't much energy for love making. However we managed to enjoy each other’s company.
I was so enjoying my free time and being naked all the time. On Tuesday, I happen to look down the driveway and I see a car heading to our house.I grab a pair of sweats and get them on just as the doorbell rings.
It was the neighbor from down the way, about a mile away. She brought over some flowers and a welcome to the neighborhood card. I had coffee on and we chatted for over an hour. She seemed so nice. We chatted like we had known each other for years. She was a little older than me. There was a community event coming up on Sunday afternoon. She invited me and my husband to join them. She seemed like such a nice lady and I accepted.
Later I thought about it. I just gave up a Sunday afternoon that I can't be nude. Oh Well! On Sunday, they stopped by and picked us up. It was a local business appreciation thing with a picnic in the park. My husband and the fellow seemed to get along great as did I with the lady.Soon, we became good friends.My friend would sometimes just drop by as a spur of the moment thing. Sometimes we would just have coffee; sometimes we might go to town together.
One spring day, I was working in the garden, preparing to plant some vegetables. The day was warm and the sun felt so good, so I took my clothes off and enjoyed nature. I was busy in the garden and I didn't notice my friend drive up. I was so engrossed in what I was doing; I didn't hear the doorbell or anything. I was quite startled when I heard her call out my name.I didn't have a thing on and my clothes were back on the deck. There was no place to hide. There I was covered with dirt and in my birthday suit. I was rather embarrassed and apologized for being naked. I asked her to excuse me and that I would be right back to the house.
She said, not to worry, that it was no big deal. She was a woman and knew what women looked like. She continued chatting as if there wasn't anything special about my being naked. I walked back to the house and explained that I would be right out after I took a shower. After getting the dirt off of me, I slipped on a pair of sweats and went to the deck to continue our conversation. She asked why I had gotten dressed, that she had already seen me naked. We chatted for a bit and she said, you know you looked so comfortable naked, why you don’t just get naked now. Then she said that she had always wanted to get naked outside and never had the nerve. So we agreed to both get naked.
It seemed as natural as anything I have ever done. There we were two mature women both in our birthday suits chatting like we had always been chatting nude. Later that afternoon she said she had to go. She needed to get something for supper for her husband and she didn't want to be here when my husband got home. We had such a great afternoon that we said we should do it again.
That night I told my husband what had happened. I am not sure what it was, maybe the thought of two naked women, but he sure was horny and we made love like bunnies. He got something out of it and so did I.
A couple days later, I was once again working naked in the garden. This time as my friend drove up, she honked the horn. I had sweats nearby and slipped them on quickly just before I greeted her. She looked at me rather funny and commented how clean my sweats were for working in the garden. Without saying anything, I pulled the sweats over my head and dropped the bottoms to reveal I was dirty. Almost in a flash she was naked beside me and we worked in the garden together for the rest of the afternoon. She said she hadn't told her husband about coming over like this.
The very next day, I am lying out in a lounge chair. I wanted to blend the white crescents under my breasts and the white patch between my legs. I heard my friend drive up and when I noticed it was her, I went back to laying on the lounge. She knew by now where I would be. She was a little surprised to see me bald down there but she complimented me on how nice it looked. We laid in the sun for a while as we continued to chat. She left a little earlier than she normally did saying that she had to get home a little earlier today. She said she would be back tomorrow.
When my friend returned the next day, I was in the lounge chair again.she told me how her hubby hadn't made love to her with that enthusiasm in years. She was almost giddy explaining how they made love in nearly every position possible and then some.
My husband had put in some long hours working on a special project at work. He said that he would be taking off early on Friday to make up for some of the hours. My friend came over nearly every day. We got along so well, it wasn't a burden or an inconvenience. We just enjoyed each other’s company. On Thursday I explained to her that it wouldn't work for her to come over, explaining that my husband would be home. She was a little disappointed but agreed. Then she said, why not. We are such good friends. I thought about it for a moment, and said I would check with my hubby and call her.
My hubby didn't have any problem. There is a bit of voyeur in him and try as I might, I couldn't satisfy him as to how my friend looked nude. So it was set, she would be at our place when my hubby got home. We were both out on the deck naked when he got home. When he got home, I greeted him, gave him a kiss and hug and proceeded to introduce my friend who was standing there naked. My husband returned to the house, got himself a beer and joined us on the deck nude. It was so natural, like we had been doing this for years. No pretense, nothing awkward. We spent the next few hours chatting about nothing and everything, except that we were all naked.
On next Friday my friend and her husband invited us to go to town for supper. We had continued to get together with them since meeting them so it was no big deal. At supper the conversation drifted to nudism. Once the ice was broken we agreed to get together at our place for some nude times on Saturday.
We were going to have friends come over for a nude afternoon tomorrow. There was a special kind of love we shared that night. Saturday arrived. We were a little nervous and apprehensive about how this might go. We were dressed when they arrived. They were also. After the customary greeting, my friend just blurted out. Let's get naked. And we all just stood there and got naked. It was a bit awkward at first as all eyes were on him. It was obvious that he was checking out my naked body and my hubby's naked body. I have to admit that I did check out his package.We spent a nice time that day and later it became our habit.
My birthday is August 22. We planned to get together to celebrate my birthday. Not any different than any of the Saturday or Sunday that we had gotten together so many times during the summer. We had become good friends both spending nude times together and doing things in the textile world as well. Well anyway the Saturday afternoon was very enjoyable. With the celebration the ladies were enjoying some wine and the men were enjoying their beer. All were getting giddy and feeling no pain. We did the normal birthday cake thing and were feeding each other cake. My friend’s husband held a piece of cake for me to take a bite of. A piece of frosting dropped and fell onto my breast. So much laughter. I tried to pick it off only smearing it worse. My friend said about the only way to get it off would be to lick it off and she suggested that her husband to the honors.
Feeling no pain from the effects of the wine, I arched my back and pointed my breasts for him to lick. He wasted no time to do the honors. What happened next is a blur. But frosting ended up in all kinds of places. On cocks, pussies, breasts, asses, and about everywhere. And it got licked off all of these places. I remember watching my friend licking furiously on my husband’s rapidly hardening cock. I remember someone's tongue in my ass crack and on my pussy. I vaguely remember sucking on a cock and balls, but I don't remember who they belonged to. We were all feeling no pain. Thank goodness we weren't stupid and insisted that even though they had only a mile to drive home, we insisted they stay at our house. What all happened that night, none of us is sure. We doubt that anyone had intercourse as we were all pretty drunk.
I did wake up with my hubby in our bed. My friend and her husband were in one of the other bedrooms. We were all pretty slow in getting up and navigating on Sunday morning. Heck we were all still sticky with frosting. We each took our turn in the shower and didn't bother to get dressed afterwards. Sometime near noon we prepared some breakfast and shortly after they went home. Not much was said about what happened the night before.
We didn't see either of them for the next week. We were almost afraid to call them for fear that they were upset with us. Finally the next Saturday, I couldn't stand it anymore. I called my friend as asked if she was mad at me or us. Of course not she replied. We wondered if you were mad at us. We had a good laugh about it and agreed to get together on Sunday.
Sunday came and things were pretty cool between us. We just spent a few hours on the deck before they returned home. The next week we didn't see either of them, but made plans to get together on Saturday. Saturday turned out to be a so so day. A few thunder storms rolled thru and the temperature was cool. We sat in the house most of the afternoon. We had planned on grilling but changed our minds since it was too cool to be outside naked. I made sandwiches and we snacked. There was still some wine and beer left from my birthday party and we had some. Someone suggested we use the hot tub. So, there were 4 naked bodies headed to the hot tub. It is a little small for 4 but we made it work.
There was some footsy going on, and some hands roaming under the water. I felt a hand squeezing my upper thigh. I moved my hand and felt a hard cock. Soon there were hands everywhere. It was crowded and I decided to get out. Once out, I reached back in under the water and grabbed my friends husbands cock tugging on him to get him out of the hot tub. He took the hint and got out sporting a nice hard cock. I grabbed his cock and lead him into the house leaving my hubby and my friend in the hot tub. When we got into the house, we dried off and fell onto the couch. We did about everything but have intercourse. I sucked on him, he licked me, and he put his fingers inside me and found my G spot. Then I sucked him off.
My hubby and my friend came in from the hot tub shriveled like prunes and a very nice grin on each of their faces. Once again we insisted that they stay in the spare bedroom. When my hubby and I went to bed, I could smell and taste pussy on his lips and he said I had cum on my lips. We did discuss what we had just experienced. We assured each other that there was something very special with sharing with others yet we were 100% committed to each other.
We have been together with this couple so many times since then, they all run together. We still do things in the textile world together. Going out to supper, to plays, movies, football games, etc. We also get together at each other’s home. Generally something sexy happens with them, however not necessarily every time. There is really no set pattern. There are times when the four of us have shared our king sized bed. There are times when I go with her husband and my friend goes with mine to separate bedrooms. Sometimes we might not even have sex at all but just do some sexual playing. There have been times when one of the four of us has not been up to getting sexy and we have had threesomes. I remember a few times when I have experienced a dp with one in my pussy and the other in my ass. I have also been with my friend and either my hubby or hers and we have a FMF.
I am bi in that I will play with another woman as long as a man is involved. I have never had any sexual encounter where it is just my friend and I. Both of our husbands say the same thing.We are so very happy. Never in our wildest dreams did we ever guess that anything like this would ever happen to us. We often think back to that fateful day when our Realtor suggested a house in the country and we almost turned it down. We would never have experience the joys of being nudists and enjoying the outdoors the way we have.
We would never have met this couple that have become our soul partners.Our kids know of these real good friends however we have not told them how good friends they really are. We haven't told our kids that we like to be nude whenever we can. And our friends are the same. They have three kids and they are now grandparents so that takes some time from us. Occasionally we feel a bit a jealousy when they go to visit their kids and grand kids.
Real Wives,
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Swing Lifestyle,
wife sex,
wife sharing,
wife swap,
Real Wives,
share my wife,
Swing Lifestyle,
wife sex,
wife sharing,
wife swap,
I shared My Hot Wife
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:00:00 AM
Me and my wife were having regular sex, but we didn't let anybody to share my hot wife. I have a fantasy of wife sharing right from the day I got married. Though, I have never discussed it with her. We built a good relation of open discussions about extra-marital sex and so she got used to it. Then we wanted to give it a try. After the first experience of my wife fucked with my best friend, me and my wife were very friendly with each other and we always used to discuss if we can go for wife swapping to which she readily agreed. We are now planning to enjoy our first wife swap in near future.

Wife Sharing Story
Now I am going to narrate the other story that happened last week, when me and my wife went to our friend's house for dinner where my friend had been living past one year.I always had this fantasy that my friend bangs my wife in-front of me. I never miss to brush my elbows and hands on his thighs, buttock and his ass. He was healthy, good looking and a great man.

On that night my friend and I had some drinks while my beautiful wife was cooking some dinner for us.After dinner we were seating on the sofa, where she was wearing a hot and deep necked shirt and was showing her nice cleavage and waxed legs and at times.let me describe her,she is about 27 Y age, but she has nice firm breast. I had a big jerk in my pants after those drinks and I felt the same in my friend's pants.I did seat next to her and her hairs were waving in the air and nice fragrance was moving all around from her sexy body. Their we planned a quick bang session after watching those sexy clips. How things went on pictures can tell you. I loved sharing my wife.
Watching Your Hotwife With Another Man
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM
Is it normal for me to want to lick my wife while she is being banged by another man? Someone said; It is more normal than you know! Watching your hot-wife with another man is probably the best scene for husbands. Ever since I got married, I have dreamed of watching my wife with a big tool guy and I wanted to watch her riding on him. I actually wanted to feel how it goes..For us. There could be a million of thoughts in my wife's mind but I knew that she wanted it as well. So We let it go and now we are completely enjoying the wife sharing life style.

We met a guy by chance. My hot wife brought him home and later it happened in our bedroom. She turns and looks at me as she guides his cock inside her, in a moaning whimper she says “Thank you” as she lowers herself down on his cock. His dick is so much bigger and even without seeing it I can tell by the moans coming from my wife. But I can see, I see his cock stretching my wife as his cock slowly penetrates her. I see the chill bumps rise on her skin and I watch as her eyes roll back. She raises back up his shaft, then lowering back down taking him deeper each time. She gasps as she goes deeper, uttering “oh my god” as she tries to accommodate his size.

Thanks to this wife sharing blog. Sweets and I have been fantasizing about letting me in for sloppy seconds after she’s been thoroughly used by a big hung bull… I made a caption since I’m sure we’re not the only ones!
Wife Sharing: Why It Seems So Good For Husbands.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:00:00 AM
Hi readers - first of all this is a real expression and I am a genuine wife sharing husband. I am 33 years old. My wife is 30 and we have been married since 2008. She is super hot and fantastic woman. I love her very much and we have been lucky enough to enjoy a great marriage for these 6-7 years.

Why I started thinking about sharing my wife?
I cannot pinpoint exactly when and why I started thinking about sharing my wife, but it's fairly a good decision for me so far and I'm just not sure what others feel about it. Should I Leave it? Forget it? Deal with it? Bury it? No I'm not because she enjoys it now.
I have basically been having this fantasy for years where my wife is being used by someone else. The fantasy and the pleasure for me was, watching how much pleasure she gets. I have to say I'm pretty dull in the scenario - and basically haven't managed in imaginary world but do anything other than watch.
The thing was, I was genuinely interested in exploring the idea. It's not something as I say that I have considered, but in an earlier life I did experimented a bit and there with fantasies, we tried a threesome..For which, I almost forced my wife. Forcing not in the sense that she didn't want it but she wanted it on my request.
What I was interested in trying was whether a fairly conservative, attractive woman who is devoted to me is going to be into this. I knew she thinks I am quite conservative in the bed stakes, and I am sure talk like this would shock her. Nothing happened like..We managed to get a guy from a hotel whom we picked up and within 20-30 minutes of journey..he agreed to join us in bed.
I cannot pinpoint exactly when and why I started thinking about sharing my wife, but it's fairly a good decision for me so far and I'm just not sure what others feel about it. Should I Leave it? Forget it? Deal with it? Bury it? No I'm not because she enjoys it now.
I have basically been having this fantasy for years where my wife is being used by someone else. The fantasy and the pleasure for me was, watching how much pleasure she gets. I have to say I'm pretty dull in the scenario - and basically haven't managed in imaginary world but do anything other than watch.
The thing was, I was genuinely interested in exploring the idea. It's not something as I say that I have considered, but in an earlier life I did experimented a bit and there with fantasies, we tried a threesome..For which, I almost forced my wife. Forcing not in the sense that she didn't want it but she wanted it on my request.
What I was interested in trying was whether a fairly conservative, attractive woman who is devoted to me is going to be into this. I knew she thinks I am quite conservative in the bed stakes, and I am sure talk like this would shock her. Nothing happened like..We managed to get a guy from a hotel whom we picked up and within 20-30 minutes of journey..he agreed to join us in bed.

What I Got As A Husband In This Wife Sharing Session.
For what it's worth, she has had more orgasms that night. Truly speaking, It was the best scene when I was licking her pussy in 69 while she was sucking my cock (being on top) and the guy entered her pussy. Remember, I held his cock..sucked it for a while (I am not gay), made him wet and placed it on my wife's juicy pussy.
For a few seconds, It seemed awkward.His cock was much bigger than mine.It was another great aspect of this lifestyle that it provides an opportunity to enjoy different sized cocks. Well, as he started fucking my wife, this session seemed more lively and more pleasing.
We tried different positions and he banged my wife quite deeply. She was moaning loud,making dirty comments and I was enjoying all this. We thanked him a lot and he left us with no strings attached. We felt a bit nervous, shy and embarrassed for the next 2-3 days but everything got settled after we made another fuck with another guy. Now we were very pleased by this lifestyle. She was more caring and more loving than the days before.
Still, she thinks, I had done it for her satisfaction but truly speaking, It's my satisfaction. I am more aroused when someone starts fucking my hot wife.
For what it's worth, she has had more orgasms that night. Truly speaking, It was the best scene when I was licking her pussy in 69 while she was sucking my cock (being on top) and the guy entered her pussy. Remember, I held his cock..sucked it for a while (I am not gay), made him wet and placed it on my wife's juicy pussy.
For a few seconds, It seemed awkward.His cock was much bigger than mine.It was another great aspect of this lifestyle that it provides an opportunity to enjoy different sized cocks. Well, as he started fucking my wife, this session seemed more lively and more pleasing.
We tried different positions and he banged my wife quite deeply. She was moaning loud,making dirty comments and I was enjoying all this. We thanked him a lot and he left us with no strings attached. We felt a bit nervous, shy and embarrassed for the next 2-3 days but everything got settled after we made another fuck with another guy. Now we were very pleased by this lifestyle. She was more caring and more loving than the days before.
Still, she thinks, I had done it for her satisfaction but truly speaking, It's my satisfaction. I am more aroused when someone starts fucking my hot wife.
Hot Wife Stories,
My Hot Wife,
share my wife,
wife sharing,
Finally I Shared My Wife
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM
I wanted to share my wife with someone at any cost.I discussed it with my wife and she told me that it turned her on just thinking about having sex with someone else.I told my wife she was free to fun as she needed at a party as long as she didn't feel uneasy, if the man got too horny I told her to bring him into the room, I knew that she was going to a party with a few of her friends, so she got dressed up in a short revealing dress and very sexy black under it.she left for the party at 8pm and never arrived home until 1am. When, I called her she asked me to join her in a hotel room. So I went there to watch my hot wife having fun.

Wife Sharing Pics

I know you'd love our pics of wife sharing.she had a great time and did play around sexually with all of us.she let the men rub their penises against the crotch of her panties, and she & her panties were so wet that our knobs slipped a couple of times and that's when she asked us to fuck her deep, everyone tried to hit her vaginal spots. she explained she was so horny that she wanted us cum inside, but I don't mind because she was so horny and I had the best sex I have ever had!! can't wait for her to do it again!
How To Convince Your Wife For Threesome?
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:00:00 AM
Do you know "How to convince your wife for Threesome"? It might be a time taking job but "Yes" you can make her mind up for "Wife Sharing Threesome",during foreplay, talks about another cock inside and how great it would be if she could feel something different. Throughout subsequent “love-making” the fantasy becomes more realistic causing her to climax in ways previously unseen. The images from earlier “love-making” sessions replay leaving the question, “if she gets that horny and climaxes that hard when just talking about the idea then making it happen will be even better.”

Finally I Shared My Wife
It would or could take months to say that finally, I shared my wife.Over a period of weeks internet sites are visited looking for the right connection for her and make the threesome a reality. Replies start arriving with some that are totally unacceptable raising the question, “how could someone not appreciate a glorious opportunity that is being presented.” Other replies strike fear that she might prefer him and slowly the ideal situation begins sliding away.
It would or could take months to say that finally, I shared my wife.Over a period of weeks internet sites are visited looking for the right connection for her and make the threesome a reality. Replies start arriving with some that are totally unacceptable raising the question, “how could someone not appreciate a glorious opportunity that is being presented.” Other replies strike fear that she might prefer him and slowly the ideal situation begins sliding away.

As the ideal situation begins collapsing like a ‘house of cards,’ because there is a realization of her reaction may not be positive. Since nothing has been discussed with her. Instead of discussing the idea, the discussion is replaced with a magical belief that she will accept idea, if the threesome is planned right and by using magical powers of persuasion, similar to the persuasion used on television juries in old crime dramas, she will agree to have a threesome.
So how do you convince her to have a threesome? Simple answer you cannot. Why? We are all human beings with the ability of free will and the ability to make choices for ourselves. Deciding to participate in a threesome involves going against teachings regarding monogamy, relationships, and personal beliefs. It means redefining our view of relationships and the person we love.
So how do you convince her to have a threesome? Simple answer you cannot. Why? We are all human beings with the ability of free will and the ability to make choices for ourselves. Deciding to participate in a threesome involves going against teachings regarding monogamy, relationships, and personal beliefs. It means redefining our view of relationships and the person we love.
In my situation before we had our threesomes we agreed it was a mutual decision and neither of us could use the decision against the other. Also we stated that we would view each other in the best possible light instead of considering the negative about each other. Having these agreements with my wife made it easier for the big transformation that was about to occur. It is difficult to put into words the transformation that occurs, when having a threesome,
Another barrier in convincing her involves understanding the difference between the fantasy of having a threesome and the reality of having a threesome. When we role play the idea we have complete control but in a real threesome, lies with two other individuals who may have different agendas and different objectives. When you peel back all of the layers of a threesome, the core is trust. Having a threesome means accepting the outcome is not in your control and trusting the other participants enough that it will be a positive experience for everyone. For me, this was the scariest because I trusted my wife but I did not know what the outcome.
Final barrier in convincing her revolves around the idea of communication. Communication means talking about your wishes, desires, and fears with your spouse. It means feeling comfortable enough with each other that any subject can be discussed. This means by communicating the need to plan a surprise threesome decrease and the need to convince her decreases too. It means there is no secret formula and no secret technique to convince her to have a threesome.
In conclusion and in answer to the question, as I look back to our relationship over the years, the one thing I have learned communication and the ability to work together solves the issues. For those who are looking for an accelerated route to a threesome unfortunately there are no easy fixes or shortcuts. Communicating, understanding what a threesome involves, and a commitment to each other is the only true way to a threesome. My advice love her for who she is and not what she can give. If you can do that then whatever route is taken will be the right one.
Another barrier in convincing her involves understanding the difference between the fantasy of having a threesome and the reality of having a threesome. When we role play the idea we have complete control but in a real threesome, lies with two other individuals who may have different agendas and different objectives. When you peel back all of the layers of a threesome, the core is trust. Having a threesome means accepting the outcome is not in your control and trusting the other participants enough that it will be a positive experience for everyone. For me, this was the scariest because I trusted my wife but I did not know what the outcome.
Final barrier in convincing her revolves around the idea of communication. Communication means talking about your wishes, desires, and fears with your spouse. It means feeling comfortable enough with each other that any subject can be discussed. This means by communicating the need to plan a surprise threesome decrease and the need to convince her decreases too. It means there is no secret formula and no secret technique to convince her to have a threesome.
In conclusion and in answer to the question, as I look back to our relationship over the years, the one thing I have learned communication and the ability to work together solves the issues. For those who are looking for an accelerated route to a threesome unfortunately there are no easy fixes or shortcuts. Communicating, understanding what a threesome involves, and a commitment to each other is the only true way to a threesome. My advice love her for who she is and not what she can give. If you can do that then whatever route is taken will be the right one.
share my wife,
Swing Lifestyle,
wife sex,
wife sharing,
wife threesome
Guide To HotWifing Threesomes
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM
Reading this blog made me realize that I am not alone with these feelings. Hotwifing and threesome is never a bad idea.I am not into humiliation but I love it when my wife gets fucked by some stranger.Threesome, Wife sharing and Hotwifing usually starts when the couple is married for a few years, when the couple knows each other and don’t mind opening their relationship. A few years after marriage, some women start missing the sexual freedom they enjoyed before marriage. Also, husbands are secure about their relationship and are willing to allow their wife have sex with other men.

Wife Sharing
Wife Sharing can be a great prospect if you follow some rules. I am sharing a few key points for all Swingers who are ready to fly. Every couple must read these points before adopting to the Hotwife lifestyle.
Starting Things For HotWife Threesome
Begin understanding the difference between the fantasy of having a threesome
Discussion regarding expectations, potential issues, and risks
Discussion what it will be like watching / having sex in front of your partner
Discussion regarding boundaries
Discussion regarding issues such as dealing with jealousy
Defining cheating
What activities are explicitly off-limits
Safety – personal & sexual
What needs to be communicated and to what extent
Privacy – how much information to reveal and how will information be protected
Where to have the threesome
Who to invite / type of person
When to have the threesome
Division of Labor – Who is responsible for example: posting ads, reviewing replies, arranging meeting etc.
How the search will occur
Determining the criteria for scaling back the interested males / females
Role play / simulating the threesome
Discussion regarding expectations, potential issues, and risks
Discussion what it will be like watching / having sex in front of your partner
Discussion regarding boundaries
Discussion regarding issues such as dealing with jealousy
Defining cheating
What activities are explicitly off-limits
Safety – personal & sexual
What needs to be communicated and to what extent
Privacy – how much information to reveal and how will information be protected
Where to have the threesome
Who to invite / type of person
When to have the threesome
Division of Labor – Who is responsible for example: posting ads, reviewing replies, arranging meeting etc.
How the search will occur
Determining the criteria for scaling back the interested males / females
Role play / simulating the threesome

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My Husband And His Boss
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:00:00 AM
Well this is a short story but I wanted to keep you readers in the loop of what’s been going on. I am a housewife around 35 years old and happily married to my loving husband. We are spending a good life with our 3 kids. Two of them are school going while one is in Montessori. When I first got into this hot wife lifestyle, because, my husband wanted to do it and I wanted to experiment. I like this quote “Every wife is a freak, it just takes the right guy to bring it out."

How I became A Hot Wife?
It is not a big story that how I became a hot wife..It was quite simple. It was purely a business deal. My husband was a bit worried for two weeks as one of his projects was held due to non-approval by a government office. When I inquired, he told me the entire story. I smiled and asked him about the particular officer who was holding the project and if I could help him. He said, No ; how you can help. I said, being a woman I might get some sympathy..He laughed and said..Let me think about it. Next morning, he came up with a surprise and given me the contact number of that officer who has to sign the project approval.
I would not tell anymore events in between but anyhow, I called him and after 3-4 calls, I agreed him to meet. He invited me to his apartment around 5 pm. I was fully prepared to face any kind of situation to make this deal (Even If he wanted to fuck me), so I went there on the given address leaving my kids home with my hubby.
Meeting Husband's Boss As A Hotwife
I reached at apartment in-time and I was completely shocked to see a guy in his mid 20's.for a while, I never thought him to be an officer till he introduced himself. He took me in and after his servant served me cold drink, I came straightway towards the purpose.
He looked at my deep necked dress many a times and I was trying to convince him for the approval. Yet, I knew that he was not an easy task to solve. Our conversation went on for 30-40 minutes but he was denying the subject by saying that my husband's project is not fair.
Finally, when all my efforts went helpless, I decided to make a final move by bringing him towards sex. I offered him if he wants a deal, I can. He questioned surprisingly, what kinda deal you can make? I said; any kind of deal..ANY..Any..you understand..He smiled and said..If you are already prepared for a deal , I can deal if you give me some bedtime. He smiled and said; I hope you got my point.

I looked around and said,where is the bedroom. He got up and grabbed my hand, taking me to his bedroom. He didn't even locked the door and just grabbed my head and asked me to sit in-front of his legs. He said; just show me your best skills..I looked at him for a while and smiled.Took his mild cock out ( he was around my husband's length)started jerking it and making it hard. He was quick to get erect. (Sorry to forget, I got a good pair of boobs 38 size, big hips..plenty of attraction..you can call me a great fuck-able milf). I started licking his balls area and then got on to his nice cock. It was the best skill, I learned through movies and performed already 100's of time on my hubby's cock.
I sucked him with full lust..he moaned, got crazy to fuck me face. He jerked and pushed it in and out..like he was fucking a pussy. After giving him a nice 20-25 minutes fo mouth-job..He removed all my clothes...When, he unhooked my bra..OMG..Such a warm guy he was when he touched my big boobs. he shakes them, sucked them and immediately, my nipples went fully hard.
He was enjoying this fuck..Oh dam..you got such a fine tits..I wish, you could be my fuck for ever..I enjoyed that..Soon, he went on fucking my pussy..He fucked me hard..like a crazy man who never fucked a pussy before. Surprisingly, he got a great fucking stamina. He fucked me for even a double time than my husband. When he was around to cum, he made a wonder wish..He never wanted to pull out..So, I unwanted agreed to take his full load inside my pussy. He fired his cum deep inside..As soon as I felt his hot cum, I orgasm..
After fucking me once, I thought it might be over. but , he wasn't finished yet. He waited for 5 minutes before giving me a 2nd fuck. This time, He didn't want to use my already cum filled pussy. He applied some lotion to my ass..But, I argued, I have never done this before..HE laughed, You are making a deal babe..So I remained quite. Once, my husband fucked me in ass and I felt some pain so I was avoiding to back hole fucking.
But, As he wanted to..so I had to agree. He pushed his tip in my ass and I screamed with pain. He dam cared about it and made another big push to enter at least half of his cock. OMG..My eyes felt some tears but he never left me. He made another big push and fully went inside my ass. Now, I felt I was going to die.OMG..Thanks to him as he pulled it out and my ass felt some relaxation. It is so painful, I remarked but he remained quite.
He fucked my ass just like a bull. After 2-3 minutes of fucking, my ass got used to it and now I was greatly enjoying this. It was feeling better than pussy fuck. He fucked me like a whore. for longer time, wild jerks and it took around 30 minutes of ass fuck. I was exhausted. Thanks God, he fired his cum again. Inside my ass, he cleaned his cock and thanked me for giving him a good time.
I smiled and got my senses back. I asked him about the project approval, he smiled and said; now it's done as I have made a deal. I dressed up, I took his signature on the project file (Which was handed over to me by my loving husband).I arrived back home. My husband was anxiously waiting for me..And when I told him that I have got the approval, he went on celebrating. He never knew what kind of nasty fuck his wife got getting that project approval..He asked me later, how you done that, but I never told him about the fucking session. I just told him that his officer was just a man of tease. I just shown him a little and he approved it. He thanked me again. Before this event, I never thought about fucking another man but now I am ready to enjoy the hot wife life. I have fucked 3 guys after that day. I will share those stories later. Thanks for reading my story, have a comment feel free to post it
It is not a big story that how I became a hot wife..It was quite simple. It was purely a business deal. My husband was a bit worried for two weeks as one of his projects was held due to non-approval by a government office. When I inquired, he told me the entire story. I smiled and asked him about the particular officer who was holding the project and if I could help him. He said, No ; how you can help. I said, being a woman I might get some sympathy..He laughed and said..Let me think about it. Next morning, he came up with a surprise and given me the contact number of that officer who has to sign the project approval.
I would not tell anymore events in between but anyhow, I called him and after 3-4 calls, I agreed him to meet. He invited me to his apartment around 5 pm. I was fully prepared to face any kind of situation to make this deal (Even If he wanted to fuck me), so I went there on the given address leaving my kids home with my hubby.
Meeting Husband's Boss As A Hotwife
I reached at apartment in-time and I was completely shocked to see a guy in his mid 20's.for a while, I never thought him to be an officer till he introduced himself. He took me in and after his servant served me cold drink, I came straightway towards the purpose.
He looked at my deep necked dress many a times and I was trying to convince him for the approval. Yet, I knew that he was not an easy task to solve. Our conversation went on for 30-40 minutes but he was denying the subject by saying that my husband's project is not fair.
Finally, when all my efforts went helpless, I decided to make a final move by bringing him towards sex. I offered him if he wants a deal, I can. He questioned surprisingly, what kinda deal you can make? I said; any kind of deal..ANY..Any..you understand..He smiled and said..If you are already prepared for a deal , I can deal if you give me some bedtime. He smiled and said; I hope you got my point.

I looked around and said,where is the bedroom. He got up and grabbed my hand, taking me to his bedroom. He didn't even locked the door and just grabbed my head and asked me to sit in-front of his legs. He said; just show me your best skills..I looked at him for a while and smiled.Took his mild cock out ( he was around my husband's length)started jerking it and making it hard. He was quick to get erect. (Sorry to forget, I got a good pair of boobs 38 size, big hips..plenty of attraction..you can call me a great fuck-able milf). I started licking his balls area and then got on to his nice cock. It was the best skill, I learned through movies and performed already 100's of time on my hubby's cock.
I sucked him with full lust..he moaned, got crazy to fuck me face. He jerked and pushed it in and out..like he was fucking a pussy. After giving him a nice 20-25 minutes fo mouth-job..He removed all my clothes...When, he unhooked my bra..OMG..Such a warm guy he was when he touched my big boobs. he shakes them, sucked them and immediately, my nipples went fully hard.
He was enjoying this fuck..Oh dam..you got such a fine tits..I wish, you could be my fuck for ever..I enjoyed that..Soon, he went on fucking my pussy..He fucked me hard..like a crazy man who never fucked a pussy before. Surprisingly, he got a great fucking stamina. He fucked me for even a double time than my husband. When he was around to cum, he made a wonder wish..He never wanted to pull out..So, I unwanted agreed to take his full load inside my pussy. He fired his cum deep inside..As soon as I felt his hot cum, I orgasm..
After fucking me once, I thought it might be over. but , he wasn't finished yet. He waited for 5 minutes before giving me a 2nd fuck. This time, He didn't want to use my already cum filled pussy. He applied some lotion to my ass..But, I argued, I have never done this before..HE laughed, You are making a deal babe..So I remained quite. Once, my husband fucked me in ass and I felt some pain so I was avoiding to back hole fucking.
But, As he wanted to..so I had to agree. He pushed his tip in my ass and I screamed with pain. He dam cared about it and made another big push to enter at least half of his cock. OMG..My eyes felt some tears but he never left me. He made another big push and fully went inside my ass. Now, I felt I was going to die.OMG..Thanks to him as he pulled it out and my ass felt some relaxation. It is so painful, I remarked but he remained quite.
He fucked my ass just like a bull. After 2-3 minutes of fucking, my ass got used to it and now I was greatly enjoying this. It was feeling better than pussy fuck. He fucked me like a whore. for longer time, wild jerks and it took around 30 minutes of ass fuck. I was exhausted. Thanks God, he fired his cum again. Inside my ass, he cleaned his cock and thanked me for giving him a good time.
I smiled and got my senses back. I asked him about the project approval, he smiled and said; now it's done as I have made a deal. I dressed up, I took his signature on the project file (Which was handed over to me by my loving husband).I arrived back home. My husband was anxiously waiting for me..And when I told him that I have got the approval, he went on celebrating. He never knew what kind of nasty fuck his wife got getting that project approval..He asked me later, how you done that, but I never told him about the fucking session. I just told him that his officer was just a man of tease. I just shown him a little and he approved it. He thanked me again. Before this event, I never thought about fucking another man but now I am ready to enjoy the hot wife life. I have fucked 3 guys after that day. I will share those stories later. Thanks for reading my story, have a comment feel free to post it
Hot Wife Stories,
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wife sharing,
When My Wife Wanted To Try Another Man
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM
Me and my wife are very frank with each other. She is such a hot wife that she can do anything to explore kinky sex. A few days ago, while we were having a great sex, she given a strange idea. She wanted to try another man. I smiled and said; Really?You want that?She said ! Yes. For a few seconds my fucking speed increased and I hit her deep inside pussy. I exploded more cum that night. Wow. It was such a hot idea. Later, We often talked about it while having sex. Sooner, we were fully prepared to try another dick in my wife's juicy pussy. It only took us one day to choose the right man. He was her ex-boy friend. Let me clear one thing! I was not having any kind of jealousy because she left him to marry me. What happened next ? See my wife sharing photos below.

I am pleased to say that I love sharing my wife now. I would also love to try the wife swapping sex or any orgy comprising of real wives. If any couple interested please comment with your contact, skype or email. Thanks everyone.
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My Hot Wife,
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Hot Wife Photos,
My Hot Wife,
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wife sharing,
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My Wife With Stranger
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 2:00:00 AM
I have been reading some wife stories on this blog for quite a few months. So, I decided to share my wife story here. This is a true story in which my wife had sex with a stranger. Let me tell you one thing, we are happily married and leading a happy life. There was a time frame When our sex life began to get boring I asked my wife if we could spice things up a bit by telling each other fantasies before and during sex. She agreed and asked me what I wanted to hear. I told her it was her fantasy tell what ever she wanted. Remember this, My wife is very hot in bed.

My Wife Wanted To Try Another Man.
That night she laid next to me and started playing with my tool. She said she had something to tell me. I said ok say it. She said she was in the store wearing a short skin tight dress and she was with no underwear. A young man who worked there was watching her as she bent over to pick up items on lower and higher shelves.As soon as she told me about the scene, I started getting hard. She said she would like to do it again only bring that guy to the house and fuck him. Now she really got my attention. I told her it would be great fun with me but why a stranger? She said she just didn't want any emotional attachments, so just sex. she told me how she'd seduce him and get him undressed and do all the wonderful sexy things she wanted to do. It made me rocking hard and believe me, I fucked her harder than ever.
One evening I was browsing the web and found an advertising. There was a guy in his mid twenties who posted the ad that he wants to fuck a married lady at any cost. I asked my wife if she'd like to try it and with some reservations she agreed. She made me promise that if I have no problems with it. I was eager to see her fucking so I agreed. Initially my wife and I agreed that if we were going to fuck him, we will do it with no strings attached. We contacted each other and then we decided to meet at a local coffee point. We met each other but we were really shocked when the guy told us that he had a wife too. It was more than fantastic idea to swap our wives with each other.I asked if she was doing alright and wanted to continue. She said she was having the time of her life and wanted to go to a room and fuck. I asked if she would be willing to go to a room with the other guy while his wife and I went to a separate room, because I wanted her to tell me all about it later. She agreed and off we went to separate rooms.
One evening I was browsing the web and found an advertising. There was a guy in his mid twenties who posted the ad that he wants to fuck a married lady at any cost. I asked my wife if she'd like to try it and with some reservations she agreed. She made me promise that if I have no problems with it. I was eager to see her fucking so I agreed. Initially my wife and I agreed that if we were going to fuck him, we will do it with no strings attached. We contacted each other and then we decided to meet at a local coffee point. We met each other but we were really shocked when the guy told us that he had a wife too. It was more than fantastic idea to swap our wives with each other.I asked if she was doing alright and wanted to continue. She said she was having the time of her life and wanted to go to a room and fuck. I asked if she would be willing to go to a room with the other guy while his wife and I went to a separate room, because I wanted her to tell me all about it later. She agreed and off we went to separate rooms.

We fucked each others wife in separate rooms. The wife I fucked was bigger when it comes to boobs. She had a large pair of bosoms as compared to mine. She sucked me and took the cock entirely till my balls went touching her lips. Then, after getting a great suck of 30 minutes, I banged her in all positions. It was great. Later we met in the main room - thanked our stranger fucks and started the drive home. My wife still had on the long dress and it was still unbuttoned. While I was driving she started sucking me.
When we go home I peeled off my clothes and jumped into bed. She crawled in next to me and started rubbing my cock and asked if I wanted to hear the story. Hard-on time! She told me to finger her pussy and ass while she talked. To my surprise she was still dripping cum from both holes!
She said the man was a perfect gentleman at all times. While he complemented her on her pretty face, nice breasts, etc., really making her relax, then he asked if he could touch her through her clothes which she agreed to. Then asked if he could unbutton here dress. This was the first time she would be exposed where others could see her. It really turned her on to dance in front of all those strangers. She got so turned on she told the guy she wanted to become his slut for the evening and that she wanted to go to a room.
Arriving at the room she told him she wanted to undress him and as she did so he continued to complement her on everything she did. She sucked his cock for a short while but wanted it in her cunt and she wanted it hard and deep. She couldn't wait for him to cum inside her. She told him she was going to tell her husband all about their fucking and as she talked to him she felt a climax coming on and asked him to cum with her. She said the feeling of cum in her cunt was wonderful. Shortly after he pulled out she started sucking his cock and asked him to rum his cum from her cunt into her ass with his fingers. He did and when he had her well lubricated and she had him hard again she got on her knees and asked him to fuck her ass. She told him he was the first man other than her husband to do her ass and she wanted his cum in her ass also. Again as she talked to him he got harder and pumped into her little ass even faster til finally she started cumming and he shot his load up her ass.
Needless to say her telling me this story while I was fucking that still cum soaked pussy really had me turned on and I told her I wanted her ass also. She said she was ready and in my cock went. She clamped down so hard on my cock I thought it would break off but I just shot a load of cum up her ass.For many weeks we told each other about fucking those strangers. I am sure readers would also enjoy our wife swap story.
When we go home I peeled off my clothes and jumped into bed. She crawled in next to me and started rubbing my cock and asked if I wanted to hear the story. Hard-on time! She told me to finger her pussy and ass while she talked. To my surprise she was still dripping cum from both holes!
She said the man was a perfect gentleman at all times. While he complemented her on her pretty face, nice breasts, etc., really making her relax, then he asked if he could touch her through her clothes which she agreed to. Then asked if he could unbutton here dress. This was the first time she would be exposed where others could see her. It really turned her on to dance in front of all those strangers. She got so turned on she told the guy she wanted to become his slut for the evening and that she wanted to go to a room.
Arriving at the room she told him she wanted to undress him and as she did so he continued to complement her on everything she did. She sucked his cock for a short while but wanted it in her cunt and she wanted it hard and deep. She couldn't wait for him to cum inside her. She told him she was going to tell her husband all about their fucking and as she talked to him she felt a climax coming on and asked him to cum with her. She said the feeling of cum in her cunt was wonderful. Shortly after he pulled out she started sucking his cock and asked him to rum his cum from her cunt into her ass with his fingers. He did and when he had her well lubricated and she had him hard again she got on her knees and asked him to fuck her ass. She told him he was the first man other than her husband to do her ass and she wanted his cum in her ass also. Again as she talked to him he got harder and pumped into her little ass even faster til finally she started cumming and he shot his load up her ass.
Needless to say her telling me this story while I was fucking that still cum soaked pussy really had me turned on and I told her I wanted her ass also. She said she was ready and in my cock went. She clamped down so hard on my cock I thought it would break off but I just shot a load of cum up her ass.For many weeks we told each other about fucking those strangers. I am sure readers would also enjoy our wife swap story.
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My Hot Wife,
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I Shared My Wife Maria With My Friend
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:00:00 PM
My wife, maria, is 29, and where she works I've heard her referred to as, "That pretty little sexy in the Accounts Department." Sometimes when maria and I talk about sex she abruptly stops things, like there's something beneath the surface that she doesn't want to let out.

My Wife

I've always wondered what would happen if she did.I've got this friend, Khurram who is pretty bold in talking about -- make that boasting about -- his sex life.
He's an okay looking guy, I guess, but he thinks pretty highly of himself.
This one time when we were talking about sex I admitted that maria and I had talked about an open type marriage but we were both feared it would screw things up between us.
He's an okay looking guy, I guess, but he thinks pretty highly of himself.
This one time when we were talking about sex I admitted that maria and I had talked about an open type marriage but we were both feared it would screw things up between us.
Khurram seemed immediately interested (he had, of course, met maria) and he asked me if I really wouldn't mind if she made it with other men.
I said maybe I could handle it if I knew she would stick by me. "But," I said, "maria is pretty old-fashioned when it comes to sex."
Then in his all-knowing way he said that it was a matter of what he called "monogamy deconditioning." I've noticed that Khurram likes to impress people with the big words.
He said that it would only take a hour or two to get her started down a different road and he had done it before with women, If I was interested he said he could do it without offending either of us.
What Khurram said stuck in my mind so I told maria.
She was intrigued and asked me to find out what he meant.
I invited Khurram over one Saturday afternoon and the three of us watched football for a couple hours. Then I brought up this thing he called monogamy deconditioning.
He said he could demonstrate and he pulled up a chair, sat down and asked maria to sit in his lap.
She was hesitant and looked me I didn't know how to react, so I just shrugged.
Khurram quickly said that if any time either of us got uncomfortable to tell him and he would stop, no hard feelings, and that will be the end of it. Absolutely guaranteed.
With that assurance maria sat in his lap.
The Following Took Place
Over More Than 90 Minutes
He said that the first step was for her to just sit in his lap for about 20 minutes and continue with the conversation we were having.
Gradually, the fact that she was in his lap was forgotten and I saw maria relax and lean against him.
Then he said that he was going to put his arm around her middle under her shirt, and he reminded us again that this could stop at any time.
" After she got used to that he said he was going to move his hand it to her bra. She grabbed his arm to stop him, but after a while she then slowly relaxed and let him. He kept his hand there while we talked for some time. "
They already been sitting close together for 20 minutes or more (which is actually a very long time for something like this), and I guess I wanted to see what would happen if this played out.
Before long, I could see him massaging her breasts. I could tell by the way his fingers were moving that he was sort of rubbing her nipples.
She kept looking at me to see if I knew what was happening. I decided not to stop things at this point.
Then maria was looking right at me when she said, "He knows how to do that."
At that point I could tell he was whispering things in her ear, but I couldn't hear what. She was not breathing more rapidly and her demeanor seemed to be changing.
Before long she was kind of nuzzling up to him. His nose and mouth were in her blond hair.
It gave me a strange feeling to see my wife cuddling up to another man. At this point I was torn between being jealous and being somewhat turned on.
There was also something intriguing about seeing my wife's defenses melt right in front of me.
After a while, without asking, Khurram started unbuttoning her blouse. She didn't stop him.
Once he had her blouse off he unfastened her bra and continued rubbing her breasts. Again, she sort of cuddled into him like it turned her on.
An Hour Had Passed
By now she had all but forgotten I was I the room.
Brfore long she was rocking a bit on his lap in a subtle attempt to stimulate herself.
The change in her, which had now spanned about an hour, fascinated me.
I had no idea what to expect, but I figured I would never have another chance like this to find out. Right before my eyes another man was turning on my wife.
Khurram put his hand under her dress and between her legs. maria put her hand over his and encouraged him to rub in the right spot and started making little noises of pleasure.
Before long it was clear that she a now moving toward a climax.
...Once she was well on her way, Khurram eased off and started talking about sex.
He asked her if she was ready for sex and in a kind of hoarse voice she said, "Yes."
He kept working on her, but when she would seem to be about to come he would pull back and simply kiss her ear and neck.
" I had now been watching this for well over an hour and I had gotten turned on seeing my wife get turned on. A big part of my judgment had dropped below my belt. "
She reached back and put her hand on his crotch. She said, "You're big."
Partially standing up, Khurram turned his back to me and said, don't worry, I don't have any diseases.
He slipped down his jeans and pulled down his underpants. When she saw what he was doing she pulled down her panties without even looking at me.
She had made her decision. This was going to happen.
I got a glimpse of a large penis. She was already wet, so even with his size it was relatively easy for him to enter her
This had now gone past any resistance on her part. She put her arms around him and pulled him close to her and rocked back and forth.
" Not only did another man -- a black man -- have his penis fully up into my pretty, white, blond wife but she had ended up encouraging it. "
Khurram then told her to just to sit there and get used to feeling him in her.
He again started kissing her ear and neck again and saying things which I couldn't hear.
I heard her say "yes" a few times.
Finally Khurram picked her up and asked if I would open the bedroom door. I knew this is where things really would change in our marriage.
He put her gently down on the bed. maria looked up at him and said, "I need to come now."
He crawled on top of her and she immediately opened her legs and reached up to him.
There was no mistaking the invitation.
Khurram pushed himself fully into her and after a few strokes stopped and said, "Let's talk about a couple things."
She said, "What now?", in an impatient, somewhat exasperated tone.
He started kissing her neck, breasts and ear again.
Before long she was squirming and making her little noises. The fact that I was watching didn't seem to matter.
At this point my wife wanted sex from a man she hardly knew.
He asked her, "Do you like this?"
"Yes, if I can come."
She started to rub herself and he pulled her hand away and pinned both of her arms above her head.
Seeing my wife pinned down and helpless with another man on top of her and fully into her stirred something deep inside of me.
I should have been jealous, but I was just very turned on.
After a while he asked her, "After this, would you like to do it again with me?"
She looked up at him. "If you let me come."
"When can we do this again?"
She was becoming more frustrated by the moment. "Whenever."
She was wiggling under him trying to encourage him and get herself to come.
When I made love to maria bringing her to a climax had never been like this.
He was keeping her right on the edge of coming.
"Are you a black cock slut now?" He was looking into her eyes and not letting her move.
"Yes, whatever, just let me go and let me come."
"Will you let other men fuck you."
She wasn't expecting that. "Maybe."
He totally stopped. "Say you will."
She seemed exasperated. "Okay, I will."
"You will what?"
"I will let other men fuck me."
"You sure?"
"Okay, yes, whatever, now, let me come."
By then she was angry and reaching the end of her patience and Khurram saw it.
He then started full, rapid strokes, grinding himself against her. She immediately came, making more noise that I've ever heard from her.
He then released her and maria fell back on the bed and just looked at him.
She then glanced over at me and said in a kind of apology, "I'm sorry, but it's never felt like that before."
Now looking embarrassed by it all, she jumped up and headed for the shower.
As I walked Khurram to the front door, I said, "I guess it worked."
He simply said, "Always does, especially with her type. It will take her a while to get used to it, you know. I hope you aren't going to try to stop her from meeting me again, or this could go underground an you don't want that."
I knew that was coming. I said, "She said she would, so just call her and set it up."
That night in bed she said, "I'm really sorry about how I was today; I don't know what came over me."
I said, "I liked seeing you like that."
"Really? So you aren't mad? Since we've been married I've never made it with another man."
"I didn't know I had such a hot little wife."
She hesitated. "I didn't think it would happen like it did, but, I made it with another rman while you watched."
"You told him you would do it again with him."
She said, "I guess I did, so what if he wants to keep doing it?"
"Then you will get used to getting it from at least one other man."
"So that would be all right?"
"I guess it will have to be now."
"It really felt good, you know."
"I could tell."
I said maybe I could handle it if I knew she would stick by me. "But," I said, "maria is pretty old-fashioned when it comes to sex."
Then in his all-knowing way he said that it was a matter of what he called "monogamy deconditioning." I've noticed that Khurram likes to impress people with the big words.
He said that it would only take a hour or two to get her started down a different road and he had done it before with women, If I was interested he said he could do it without offending either of us.
What Khurram said stuck in my mind so I told maria.
She was intrigued and asked me to find out what he meant.
I invited Khurram over one Saturday afternoon and the three of us watched football for a couple hours. Then I brought up this thing he called monogamy deconditioning.
He said he could demonstrate and he pulled up a chair, sat down and asked maria to sit in his lap.
She was hesitant and looked me I didn't know how to react, so I just shrugged.
Khurram quickly said that if any time either of us got uncomfortable to tell him and he would stop, no hard feelings, and that will be the end of it. Absolutely guaranteed.
With that assurance maria sat in his lap.
The Following Took Place
Over More Than 90 Minutes
He said that the first step was for her to just sit in his lap for about 20 minutes and continue with the conversation we were having.
Gradually, the fact that she was in his lap was forgotten and I saw maria relax and lean against him.
Then he said that he was going to put his arm around her middle under her shirt, and he reminded us again that this could stop at any time.
" After she got used to that he said he was going to move his hand it to her bra. She grabbed his arm to stop him, but after a while she then slowly relaxed and let him. He kept his hand there while we talked for some time. "
They already been sitting close together for 20 minutes or more (which is actually a very long time for something like this), and I guess I wanted to see what would happen if this played out.
Before long, I could see him massaging her breasts. I could tell by the way his fingers were moving that he was sort of rubbing her nipples.
She kept looking at me to see if I knew what was happening. I decided not to stop things at this point.
Then maria was looking right at me when she said, "He knows how to do that."
At that point I could tell he was whispering things in her ear, but I couldn't hear what. She was not breathing more rapidly and her demeanor seemed to be changing.
Before long she was kind of nuzzling up to him. His nose and mouth were in her blond hair.
It gave me a strange feeling to see my wife cuddling up to another man. At this point I was torn between being jealous and being somewhat turned on.
There was also something intriguing about seeing my wife's defenses melt right in front of me.
After a while, without asking, Khurram started unbuttoning her blouse. She didn't stop him.
Once he had her blouse off he unfastened her bra and continued rubbing her breasts. Again, she sort of cuddled into him like it turned her on.
An Hour Had Passed
By now she had all but forgotten I was I the room.
Brfore long she was rocking a bit on his lap in a subtle attempt to stimulate herself.
The change in her, which had now spanned about an hour, fascinated me.
I had no idea what to expect, but I figured I would never have another chance like this to find out. Right before my eyes another man was turning on my wife.
Khurram put his hand under her dress and between her legs. maria put her hand over his and encouraged him to rub in the right spot and started making little noises of pleasure.
Before long it was clear that she a now moving toward a climax.
...Once she was well on her way, Khurram eased off and started talking about sex.
He asked her if she was ready for sex and in a kind of hoarse voice she said, "Yes."
He kept working on her, but when she would seem to be about to come he would pull back and simply kiss her ear and neck.
" I had now been watching this for well over an hour and I had gotten turned on seeing my wife get turned on. A big part of my judgment had dropped below my belt. "
She reached back and put her hand on his crotch. She said, "You're big."
Partially standing up, Khurram turned his back to me and said, don't worry, I don't have any diseases.
He slipped down his jeans and pulled down his underpants. When she saw what he was doing she pulled down her panties without even looking at me.
She had made her decision. This was going to happen.
I got a glimpse of a large penis. She was already wet, so even with his size it was relatively easy for him to enter her
This had now gone past any resistance on her part. She put her arms around him and pulled him close to her and rocked back and forth.
" Not only did another man -- a black man -- have his penis fully up into my pretty, white, blond wife but she had ended up encouraging it. "
Khurram then told her to just to sit there and get used to feeling him in her.
He again started kissing her ear and neck again and saying things which I couldn't hear.
I heard her say "yes" a few times.
Finally Khurram picked her up and asked if I would open the bedroom door. I knew this is where things really would change in our marriage.
He put her gently down on the bed. maria looked up at him and said, "I need to come now."
He crawled on top of her and she immediately opened her legs and reached up to him.
There was no mistaking the invitation.
Khurram pushed himself fully into her and after a few strokes stopped and said, "Let's talk about a couple things."
She said, "What now?", in an impatient, somewhat exasperated tone.
He started kissing her neck, breasts and ear again.
Before long she was squirming and making her little noises. The fact that I was watching didn't seem to matter.
At this point my wife wanted sex from a man she hardly knew.
He asked her, "Do you like this?"
"Yes, if I can come."
She started to rub herself and he pulled her hand away and pinned both of her arms above her head.
Seeing my wife pinned down and helpless with another man on top of her and fully into her stirred something deep inside of me.
I should have been jealous, but I was just very turned on.
After a while he asked her, "After this, would you like to do it again with me?"
She looked up at him. "If you let me come."
"When can we do this again?"
She was becoming more frustrated by the moment. "Whenever."
She was wiggling under him trying to encourage him and get herself to come.
When I made love to maria bringing her to a climax had never been like this.
He was keeping her right on the edge of coming.
"Are you a black cock slut now?" He was looking into her eyes and not letting her move.
"Yes, whatever, just let me go and let me come."
"Will you let other men fuck you."
She wasn't expecting that. "Maybe."
He totally stopped. "Say you will."
She seemed exasperated. "Okay, I will."
"You will what?"
"I will let other men fuck me."
"You sure?"
"Okay, yes, whatever, now, let me come."
By then she was angry and reaching the end of her patience and Khurram saw it.
He then started full, rapid strokes, grinding himself against her. She immediately came, making more noise that I've ever heard from her.
He then released her and maria fell back on the bed and just looked at him.
She then glanced over at me and said in a kind of apology, "I'm sorry, but it's never felt like that before."
Now looking embarrassed by it all, she jumped up and headed for the shower.
As I walked Khurram to the front door, I said, "I guess it worked."
He simply said, "Always does, especially with her type. It will take her a while to get used to it, you know. I hope you aren't going to try to stop her from meeting me again, or this could go underground an you don't want that."
I knew that was coming. I said, "She said she would, so just call her and set it up."
That night in bed she said, "I'm really sorry about how I was today; I don't know what came over me."
I said, "I liked seeing you like that."
"Really? So you aren't mad? Since we've been married I've never made it with another man."
"I didn't know I had such a hot little wife."
She hesitated. "I didn't think it would happen like it did, but, I made it with another rman while you watched."
"You told him you would do it again with him."
She said, "I guess I did, so what if he wants to keep doing it?"
"Then you will get used to getting it from at least one other man."
"So that would be all right?"
"I guess it will have to be now."
"It really felt good, you know."
"I could tell."
My Hot Wife,
share my wife,
wife sex,
wife sharing