Reading this blog made me realize that I am not alone with these feelings. Hotwifing and threesome is never a bad idea.I am not into humiliation but I love it when my wife gets fucked by some stranger.Threesome, Wife sharing and Hotwifing usually starts when the couple is married for a few years, when the couple knows each other and don’t mind opening their relationship. A few years after marriage, some women start missing the sexual freedom they enjoyed before marriage. Also, husbands are secure about their relationship and are willing to allow their wife have sex with other men.

Wife Sharing
Wife Sharing can be a great prospect if you follow some rules. I am sharing a few key points for all Swingers who are ready to fly. Every couple must read these points before adopting to the Hotwife lifestyle.
Starting Things For HotWife Threesome
Begin understanding the difference between the fantasy of having a threesome
Discussion regarding expectations, potential issues, and risks
Discussion what it will be like watching / having sex in front of your partner
Discussion regarding boundaries
Discussion regarding issues such as dealing with jealousy
Defining cheating
What activities are explicitly off-limits
Safety – personal & sexual
What needs to be communicated and to what extent
Privacy – how much information to reveal and how will information be protected
Where to have the threesome
Who to invite / type of person
When to have the threesome
Division of Labor – Who is responsible for example: posting ads, reviewing replies, arranging meeting etc.
How the search will occur
Determining the criteria for scaling back the interested males / females
Role play / simulating the threesome
Discussion regarding expectations, potential issues, and risks
Discussion what it will be like watching / having sex in front of your partner
Discussion regarding boundaries
Discussion regarding issues such as dealing with jealousy
Defining cheating
What activities are explicitly off-limits
Safety – personal & sexual
What needs to be communicated and to what extent
Privacy – how much information to reveal and how will information be protected
Where to have the threesome
Who to invite / type of person
When to have the threesome
Division of Labor – Who is responsible for example: posting ads, reviewing replies, arranging meeting etc.
How the search will occur
Determining the criteria for scaling back the interested males / females
Role play / simulating the threesome