The last few months created a certain thought in my mind about my Hot wife.I have just started to think for wife sharing and watching my wife being banged by some other guy.First I thought for a sensual wife massage by some good looking guy but then I just made up my plan to share my wife with some stranger without massage.I discussed this with my wife right at the time of sex when I was just screwing her.All the devil senses of My wife were awake at that time so she liked the idea.In normal hours of the day,My wife seemed to be reacting a different way in this regard and not willing to get a bang session by some other guy in-front of me.So I have to work hard for months to make up her mind into wife sharing life style and she finally agreed.

This brought a nice change in our sexual life later on and my wife seemed to be more than happy.These wife massage stories changed our entire life after our first wife sharing encounter with a stranger.I could not take a risk of letting my Hot wife below some friend so I preferred stranger to bang her deep.

Another idea came into my mind that I should keep the eyes of my wife closed.I wrapped her face with a cloth leaving her mouth open so that she can not see her fucker.I sat behind her and she nicely sucked the guy for at least one hour like a lollypop.Then we both made her a sandwich between us and the guy was screwing her ass while i was screwing her front part.Believe me,this brought intense orgasms to us and we both always loved to do it again and again.I hope that you also like My hot wife stories.