I am so excited to share a guest post with you all today.It’s written by my hubby who loves Hot Wife Photos.If you ever read this blog,which is a great resource for Hot wives and Wife Sharing Husbands,it’s like free access into our guys’ minds,you’ll know his mind is dirtier than mine,but worth it.Me and my Husband were having a discussion along the lines of this post and I said,“Hey,wanna write a post?He gladly agreed,so,without further ado,here’s a collection of Photos which explain the life of a Hot Wife.

It doesn't matter how you feel about that sex,or how you cringe when you look in the mirror and see those bang scenes–your husband couldn't care less!He thinks you’re the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth,and even when he tells you this,you dismiss it,and say stuff like “thanks honey,but I don’t think so”,or “well,you may feel that way,but nobody else does”.Please don’t do this!Your husband isn't trying to “put you on” by telling your he thinks your body is amazing -he truly thinks it is!You have to learn to accept the compliment as him being honest, and say thank you,instead of trying to play it off.And that leads me to my next point of wife sharing.

I realize all husbands are different,and some prefer some things over others,but overall,I feel that there are a lot of wives out there who REALLY WANT to make their sex life with their husband what God intended it to be,but sometimes get frustrated by not understanding why he’s always asking for sex,even when they just had it,or what he means when he says things like “I just want you to want me”The idea of Wife sharing sometimes pleases husbands more than anything else.